Hello, fabulous creatures of the universe!

Got your coffee? Tea? Lanikai Margarita? Perfect, let's chat!

I’m Sandra, your host and confidante. If you've landed here, give yourself a round of applause…you deserve it! 👏🏽

See, you've discovered a place that's less like a newsletter and more like a slumber party for those of us who love coffee, creativity and connection. A space where we can have honest, easy and stress-free conversations about the serious and not-so-serious topics that really matter in our lives while having a bit of carefree fun!

Now, why a slumber party? Because back in the day, the glue that bonded us together was the ultimate slumber party! 🎉

Remember the feeling of being in a secret clubhouse, staying WAY past our bedtime, giggling over the stupidest jokes while uncovering secrets faster than the stalkarrazi after JLo for a feature on TMZ?! And I’m talking secrets that were locked up tighter than a bank vault during the day, but somehow at night everything spilled out like a gossip waterfall.

It was a time of pure joy, friendship and sisterhood.

Fast forward through the teen drama, the twenty-something escapades, and here we are—married, mommified, career-climbing ladies. Those fun nights of whispered confessions have turned into sweet, sweet nostalgia.

Well, I say it's time for a comebaaaaaack! 🎉

Enter the The “Circle of Trust”! This is our sleepover crew hanging out at Sandrapop, our virtual clubhouse, where we can check-in for heartfelt girl talk, real support, and that unshakeable loyalty that feels like being wrapped in a warm and cozy blanket of trust - slumber party style! 🎉

Show up in your comfy flannel PJs or sexy silk kimono robe. The only rule? Just. Show. Up.

And if you do, here is what’s on the Sandrapop pillow talk agenda:

  • Slumber Soirées: These are our little getaways packed with everything from tasty cocktails and delicious recipes to chic home tours and the latest fashion finds—essentially, all the things we’d talk about if we were at a slumber party, gathered together for some serious fun!

  • Coffee Catchups: When the party's over but the vibes are still strong, we’ll gather here over a cup of our favorite brew. It's our spot for life updates and meaningful connections in the fresh light of day, drawing inspiration from our latest Soirée chatter or whatever’s going on in Sandrapop Land.

  • Dreamscapes: These newsletters are all about the visuals and light on the text. From whimsical travel snapshots to magical everyday moments, it's a short but sweet peek into whatever catches my eye.

  • Midnight Musings: Snuggle up with these lighthearted newsletters, where each edition is a cozy essay on random, whimsical topics. They’re perfect for late-night, slumber party-style heart-to-hearts—just grab a blanket and enjoy!

Find the index of published posts here.

Smash the subscribe button and become part of the “Circle of Trust”. You'll receive a newsletter packed with fun that you won't want to miss! To help you choose between Freemium and VIPaid, here's everything you need to know:

💸 Free Subscription:

You just wanna keep it casual, popping in to say hi every once in a while. We’ll catch up, have a few laughs, then we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled programming, until next time.

You’ll get access to:

  • 💌 All newsletters (they hit the archive after six weeks)

  • 📝 Public Notes

  • 💬 Convos sessions in chat

💰 Paid Subscription:

You want a step up from casual catch-ups to “let’s dissect our life choices over pizza at 2 a.m.”, where the laughs hit harder, the conversations are deeper, and the commitment is unmistakably legit.

You’ll get access to everything in the free subscription, PLUS:

  • 🔥 Killer digital goodies

  • 📁 Full archive access

  • 📝 Private Notes

  • 👑 VIP convo sessions in chat

  • 🎁 Extra surprises

Savings Alert! By upgrading to an annual subscription, you’ll unlock a whopping 40% savings compared to the monthly plan. That’s $34 you can go spend on books! 📚

👩🏽 She/Her 🐾 Leo+Lexi 💍 20+ years 🇵🇷 Puerto Rican American

I would describe myself as a “curious chameleon”. You know, the one who describes herself as multi-passionate because she loves ALL the things and gets along with pretty much everyone!? Yeah. That’s me.

I’m most myself when I’m hanging out with my closest friends, laughing until our sides are screaming in pain. The calorie burn is fantastic and so are the memories.

I’m most known for my “bubbly” personality. A long time ago, someone mentioned to a friend of mine that my bubbly nature wasn't their cup of tea. I’ve always thought how sad for them—they missed out on a great friendship!

My family and friends would say I’m a social butterfly. I'm all about lifting people up, shining a light on their best qualities—stuff they often overlook themselves. Giving out compliments makes MY day.

My idea of a perfect day would be any day I can hug my mom. I left home at 18 and haven't lived close by since, but our weekend phone chats? Those are sacred.

When I’m not working, you can find me lost in a book, falling down the Instagram travel hole, Netflixing with my #besthusbandever or trying to convince my 18-year-old son that I am, in fact, cool enough to hang out with.

I bet you’re dying to know where the name “Sandrapop” came from, aren’t you? Well, back in the olden days of the late 20th century, my then-boyfriend/now husband used to lovingly call me his “piece of paradise”.

In typical 90s man fashion, he shortened it to “pop”, slapped it onto the back of my name and creatively created my very first email handle. The secret superhero identity I never knew I needed was born, and my virtual life has never been the same.

My hot husband when he was just my hot boyfriend.

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Stay in touch

If you need to get in touch with me, please email me at sandrapop@substack.com or connect with me via Substack.

My goal is to deliver authentic and helpful content, so if you’ve got ideas on how to make the Sandrapop newsletter better, I'd love to hear from you! You can contact me via Substack or my social channels: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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🎉 A fun digital hangout spot for 40+ midlife moms to share laughs, lifestyle advice & girl talk in slumber party style. 🌟 Join the “Circle of Trust” and score a subscriber bonus: 5 Coffee Recipe Cards to download and gift to your coffee-loving bestie! ☕


Sandra is a Latin American 40+ midlife soccer mom. Shacked up with her husband in the late 1900s; begat a sneaker-crazed teen. Currently claims two yappy Poms. Besties far way + German eludes her = she needs friends, like NOW. Enter “Sandrapop”.