Hello friends!
This isn’t the newsletter I was planning to send, but it’s the one I need to share. It’s a bit more of a personal one, and a bit shorter than usual. Sometimes a girl just needs to get things off her chest.
Hope you have a great Sunday!
Our last soiree took us to Palm Beach, a stone’s throw away from where I grew up in Lake Worth, FL. Tbh, that trip down memory lane made me my homesickness even worse than normal.
After spending the last 27 years globe-trotting, creating a beautiful life with my soulmate for our incredibly talented son, while also making friends in far-flung places, creating memories everywhere we go… all I want to do now is just go back.
I miss so many things! I miss my mom. I miss my siblings, my cousins, my aunts and uncles. I miss the beach and big parking spaces and the incredibly fast wi-fi everywhere. I miss Starbucks mobile ordering, browsing the endless aisles of Barnes & Noble, and eating really good Mexican food (no lie, I might kill for a street taco right now). For all that Europe is an amazing place to live, I do miss so much of my American life.
But most of all… I MISS MY GIRL FRIENDS.
In today’s day and age, it’s incredibly hard to stay in touch with the people you love when you’re so far away. No matter that today’s technology makes it easy, and that the desire to connect - on both sides - is always there. Between our busy schedules and the time difference, there’s always a “reasonable” reason that gets in the way. Yet, although we live our lives as if there will always be another tomorrow, I learned not too long ago that we are always just a moment away from never seeing each other EVER again.
So imagine how happy I was when, after trying for months to get a good time when my closest girlfriendscould jump on Zoom, we finally agreed on a good time and date: today at 1700 Berlin time. Important detail here is that we are spread around the globe from Singapore to Germany, so this was no small feat!
I was SO EXCITED to talk to them all. SO. FREAKING. EXCITED!
As I normally do on a soccer Sunday, I woke up this morning, went to my son’s soccer game, watched him kick some soccer ass, then came home, sat down to watch tv with bae…
It wasn’t until about an hour and half after the scheduled time that I happened to check my phone and saw my royal fuckup. Ughhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I was so upset! They were so lovely and gracious, of course, because they love me and will forgive all. So many reasons to love these girls and this is yet another one.
But, maaaaaaaaannnn, what a missed opportunity! Conversations we won’t have, memories we won’t make, and connections we won’t strengthen. Laughs and jokes and “aha” moments lost to the “could’ve been” universe that will never happen.
Will we reschedule? Sure! And will we have other convos, and laughs and “aha” moments? Yes! But I’m greedy for every second I can spend with my friends, so I’m super disappointed. Worse yet, this total friend fail was all on me.
So what’s the lesson here?!
I’m so sorry, friends. I will do better. Pinkie swear, cross my heart.
The end. 💔
In honor of female friendships:
Let’s Discuss:
How do you nurture your long-distance friendships besides Zoom calls?
You darling girl, we love you and it happens to the best of us! Let’s do a do-over soon!
Good friends understand that life happens and that a busy person (mom, wife, employee, etc) has a lot on her mind. Tomorrow isn’t promised, but if there is one you know they will be there. 💕